Student Conduct

As citizens of local, state, and national governments, Northeast students are expected to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Northeast students, employees, and visitors are governed by state and federal laws and are expected to act under those laws. Violations of those laws may result in criminal proceedings in compliance with the state and/or federal requirements. Students enrolled at Northeast Mississippi Community College assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the college’s function as an institution of higher education.

Instructors have primary responsibility for control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity. Students are expected to comply with the rules and directions of their instructors. Students are also expected to comply with the directions of college officials or other public officials in the performance of their duties.

Code of Student Conduct

Students who register at Northeast Mississippi Community College agree to conform to its regulations and policies and are subject to disciplinary action upon violation of these regulations and policies.

All students of Northeast Mississippi Community College are expected to maintain the highest standards of moral conduct and concern for the well-being and rights of their fellow students. The student’s standards of public and private behavior must not reflect unfavorably on the student or the College, and they must be such that they will not disturb the student body or the community.

All students have the responsibility to avoid the specific offenses in the Code of Student Conduct. The College considers offenses in these areas of concern extremely serious, and students who commit one of these offenses may expect appropriate action to be taken.

Any activity that is deemed dangerous or potentially dangerous to the individual or other students, faculty, staff, or administration is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Paintball guns, skateboards, hoverboards, water guns, water balloons, and any form of golf practice or archery practice, other than instruction received from an accredited class taught at the institution.

Northeast Mississippi Community College reserves the right to inspect, interrogate, or search whenever there is “reasonable cause” to believe that a law has been violated. Searches of residence hall rooms and student vehicles - Students, like any other citizens, are protected by the Constitution against unreasonable search and seizure. If, however, there is a “reasonable cause” to believe that a law has been violated, a search may be considered “reasonable”. Therefore, in a reasonable exercise of the college’s duty to maintain discipline and an educational atmosphere, a college official may search a student’s room and/or vehicle where a “reasonable cause” exists.

A normal inspection of students’ rooms will be conducted for health, safety, and standard of maintenance by the authority of a college official, and can be conducted, if necessary, in the absence of students. Students are subject to local, state, and national laws, as well as the regulations of the college. Enrollment in no way relieves persons of this responsibility. Students who are penalized for violations of public laws are not exempt from further action by the college. The college reserves the right to take disciplinary action.

The following actions are violations of the Code of Student Conduct. These violations may result in warnings, fines, probation, restrictions, temporary suspension, suspension, a student being asked to withdraw from College, and/or re-admission being denied. Criminal proceedings and/or arrests may be incurred for some offenses.

  • Bulletin boards, handbooks, and official notices-students are responsible for reading notices posted on official bulletin boards. Ignorance of such material or any notices that have been duly posted cannot be accepted as an excuse.
  • Students should have their ID card on them when they desire to use NEMCC facilities or to participate in the activities that are sponsored by the college. Failure to show the ID to a college official upon request or the use of another student’s ID will result in disciplinary action. Students must display their ID at all times on campus.
  • NEMCC students owe it to themselves, their classmates, and instructors to be well groomed. No manner of dress will be allowed which will disrupt the normal educational process. Shirts, pants, and shoes must be worn in and around the classrooms, resident halls, cafeteria, auditorium, and Student Union.
  • Public display of affection, which is not in keeping with good taste and high moral standards is prohibited.
  • Abusive and profane language is prohibited.
  • Obstruction of the free flow of traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, on college-owned or controlled property.
  • Violations of rules governing residence in college-owned or controlled property.
  • Unauthorized visitors in residence halls. Students may not have as a guest a member of the opposite sex in their residence hall room except during designated visitation hours.
  • Bullying/Stalking including Cyber Bullying/Stalking
  • No student may continue to reside in campus housing if they are not enrolled and attending regularly a minimum of 12 semester hours or a full-time vocational-technical program. Also, students will be asked to withdraw from school if they are not attending regularly the classes in which they are enrolled.
  • Students having a sanction that includes removal from the residence hall must vacate immediately. If an appeal is made, students must vacate the residence hall while waiting for the appeal date.
  • Students removed from campus housing for disciplinary reasons must leave campus at 3:30 p.m. and cannot return until 7:30 a.m. unless they are attending a supervised function of the college. Failure to comply could result in trespassing charges.
  • Gambling is not allowed on college-owned or controlled property.
  • Ignoring financial obligations to NEMCC or any agency of NEMCC.
  • Issuing fraudulent checks (bad checks) on campus
  • It shall be a violation for any student to publicly disseminate any information regarding any violation or alleged violation of Code by any other student, or any facts purported to pertain thereto, or to further publicly disseminate any alleged facts about any student subject to disciplinary proceedings while such proceedings or any appeals are still pending. It is recognized that a right to a fair hearing must be protected and guaranteed to all students.
  • Breach of Peace, abetting or procuring another of breach the peace on college-owned or controlled property or at sponsored or supervised functions. This includes excessive noise.
  • Failure to comply with directions of college officials and/or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties and to identify oneself to these officials when requested to do so.
  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other college activities, including the college’s public service function, or of other authorized activities in college-owned or controlled property.
  • Falsification of records-willfully and knowingly giving false information is strictly prohibited. This includes statements (oral and written) to college officials, faculty, or staff.
  • Forgery - The alteration or misuse of college documents, records, or identification cards is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized entry or use of college facilities, including buildings and grounds.
  • Unauthorized possession or use of a key to any college facility or other property.
  • Plagiarism and/or cheating in any form (test, exam, term paper, musical, artistic…) is against school policy and subject to disciplinary action.
  • Participation in a riot, raid, or unauthorized demonstration or gathering.
  • Harassment (including racial and/or sexual), intimidation, or bribery of any student, disciplinary committee, witnesses, or school official will result in disciplinary action.
  • Theft of or damage to property of the college, property of a member of the community, or the property of a visitor to the college.
  • Possession, consumption, or evidence of consumption, of alcohol on college-owned or controlled property, or at a social event sponsored by an organization of the college.
  • NEMCC student organizations are required to comply with county and state laws regarding alcohol. In addition, the college forbids the possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages (including beer) on the campus and/or campus activity sponsored by a student organization functioning at the college on college-owned or controlled property. Drunkenness or evidence of intoxication is a violation of law and/or college rules or regulations.
  • The college prohibits the setting of, or adding to, unauthorized fires on college property, willfully damaging or misusing any fire protection equipment, initiating a false fire alarm or misusing emergency exits, negligently discharging a fire extinguisher, or setting a fire in a residence hall or other campus building.
  • Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, dangerous chemicals, ammunition, air guns, or other weapons (including but not limited to bows and arrows, switchblades, or martial arts weapons) on college-owned or controlled property (even in automobiles).
  • Physical assault, abuse, or detention of any person on college-owned or controlled property or at any college-sponsored or supervised function, or conduct which endangers the health or safety of any person.
  • Use, possession, distribution, or manufacture of narcotics, illegal drugs, illegal steroids, drug-associated paraphernalia (this does not apply to medicine prescriptions), or controlled substance as defined by the laws of the State of Mississippi or the United States Code except as expressly permitted by law.
  • Violations of the laws of the federal, state, and local governments.

It is impossible to predict all human behaviors, or to write down all rules and regulations for proper conduct; therefore, no code of conduct can be comprehensive. Students at NEMCC are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that exhibits exemplary conduct, both on and off campus.

A student charged with a violation of college regulations may be immediately suspended from the college if the responsible authority concludes that the person’s continued presence within the college community would constitute clear and immediate danger to the health or welfare of other members of the college community.

Discrimination or Sexual and/or Racial Harassment

Students with a complaint of discrimination or sexual and/or racial harassment against another student should report the incident(s) to the Vice President of Students, Campus Police, and/or Title IX Coordinator for investigation. Students found to violate the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action as outlined by the Student Code of Conduct.

Northeast Mississippi Community is dedicated to fostering diversity among its students, employees, and community by cultivating and promoting inclusiveness, awareness, and acceptance.  We are devoted to celebrating all differences by creating a campus climate that is welcoming and engaging.


Disciplinary Sanctions

The range of disciplinary sanctions includes; but is not limited to, the following:

Category I These would include any violation of the Student Code of Conduct

  • Warning - Issued for minor infraction of policy. Further violations will result in more serious sanctions.
  • Fine - The student is fined for violation of policy; the amount of fine will vary depending upon the nature and severity of the offense.
  • Restriction - Student is restricted from entering certain facilities or from specified student privileges.
  • Supervised Work - Specified work hours with a campus office or community service.
  • Mandatory Counseling/Educational Sessions - Behavioral counseling or educational sessions as deemed necessary by the Vice President of Student Services or the discipline committee.
  • Disciplinary Probation - The student is no longer considered in good standing in terms of conduct. Further violation of regulations during this probation period may result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. Certain student privileges may be suspended during a probationary period. Example: scholarships, representing the college in activities, seeking elected office, may lose elected office.
  • Residence Hall Dismissal - Required to vacate a residence hall for violations of residence hall policies and/or institutional policies. Students are not allowed to visit any residence hall when assigned this sanction. Residential students appealing the sanctions of expulsion, dismissal, suspension, modified suspension, or residence hall dismissal may be required to temporarily vacate the residence hall while the appeal is pending.
  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period of time. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Students must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension: Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period of time. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.

Category II These would include felonies or misdemeanor charges as described by federal and state laws.

  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period of time. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Students must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension - Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period of time. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Withdrawal - The student is withdrawn from school for the remainder of the semester. No entry is made on official records other than withdrawal. Students may return to school at the end of the specified time.
  • Expulsion - Dismissal from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specified period of time, with the denial of rights for the student to participate in any academic or other activity. Student is not allowed on campus.
  • Dismissal - Permanent separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College, with the student not allowed to reapply for admission. The student is not allowed on college premises without permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Interim Suspension - Any student charged with or convicted of a violation of the law, or college regulation involving injuries to the health and welfare of the college community shall be subject to immediate administrative suspension, with or without prejudice, depending upon the nature and circumstances of the case, by the President of the College or his delegates. A hearing regarding the student’s conduct will be held as soon as practical in accordance with Northeast policies.

    The conviction of a student for a criminal offense that interferes with the orderly education and operation of the college or of a nature that, if the student were allowed to remain enrolled, would endanger the health, safety, or property of the college community shall be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action consistent with the college’s policies and procedures.

Student Dress Code

Northeast students are expected to dress in a manner deemed appropriate by the Vice President of Student Services, both in the classroom and at all college-sponsored activities. Students must be fully clothed (including shoes) before entering any classroom, library, auditorium, and the Haney Union. Underwear should remain covered at all times except in a student’s assigned residence hall. All pants and shorts must be worn above the hips and at the waist. Wearing sagging pants is not allowed on campus.

Female students are also expected to present themselves in appropriate dress at all times. Inappropriate dress might include unreasonably short dresses, midriff tops, short shorts, halter tops, or other apparel of a revealing nature that is worn publicly in the classroom, or on special occasions.

Headdress is inappropriate for males during all indoor functions. Male headdresses that include “do-rags” or scarves are considered inappropriate for the educational environment.

Any violation of this dress code will be subject to disciplinary action, fines, and/or both.

Tobacco Free Environment

Northeast Mississippi Community College is designated a “tobacco-free” environment. To this end, smoking and/or tobacco use is prohibited on all Northeast Campuses. The use of electronic cigarettes is also prohibited on campus. Northeast Mississippi Community College seeks to foster a healthy environment for its students. For this reason, smoking, vaping, chewing, dipping, or any other form of tobacco use is prohibited on all Northeast Campuses.


Wireless Devices

Students residing in the residence halls should be aware of specific policies concerning computers and networking in campus dorms. In particular, residents are not permitted to install personal wireless network devices, which are connected to the campus wired infrastructure.

Official Communication by Email

Official communications from the College are sent via email to each student’s email accounts. Students are responsible for reading emails sent to this official address by checking their college account regularly.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • The policy governing the intellectual property rights of students shall apply to all persons enrolled as students of The Northeast Mississippi Community College.
  • Students will retain full ownership of all classes of intellectual property, including, but not limited to, scientific and technological developments, artwork, written and oral compositions, music compositions/arrangements, and all other objects, items, or content that may be deemed: “intellectual property” that they create or produce, both individually and collaboratively.
  • The College will retain an unrestricted license to use and reproduce the students’ intellectual property for educational and nonprofit purposes, including, but not limited to, publicity, promotion, and marketing. In no way will the College profit from the sale of the student’s intellectual property.

Preventing Identity Theft

Students should protect personal information from theft and/or misuse. Students should safely store social security numbers, addresses, passwords, and personal identification numbers (PINs) to protect them from possible theft of this information.

Northeast complies with the Federal Trade Commission's “Red Flag Rules” and strives to protect the private information of students.

Eligibility and Acceptable Use

Northeast Mississippi Community College provides information technology for educational, research, and administrative applications by its students, faculty, and staff. The technology guidelines stem from the College’s mission statement and its more general policies and procedures governing faculty, students, staff, and facilities. With only a few exceptions, the present rules simply apply these larger policies and procedures to the narrower information technology context. It balances the individual’s ability to benefit fully from information technology and the institution’s need for a secure and reasonably allocated information technology environment.

For the most up-to-date Appropriate Computer Use Policy go to

DMCA Violations

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violations are a special case of Appropriate Computer Use Policy (ACUP) violation. Violations may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reproduction of copyrighted materials, trademarks, or other protected material in any electronic form without express written permission from the material’s owner;
  • Distribution or duplication of copyrighted software without appropriate licensing agreements, or use of software in a manner inconsistent with its license;
  • Distribution or reproduction, in any digital form, of copyrighted music, video, or other multimedia content without the express written permission of the material’s rightful owner

In summary, users may not illegally share copyrighted material over the College’s network, including through the use of e-mail, web pages, and peer-to-peer file-sharing software. This applies to college-owned computers, as well as, personally-owned computers if used to access the College network.

The first time that NEMCC receives a DMCA complaint for a particular student, the Office of Student Services notifies the student. Students who receive such violation notices must, within the period specified in the violations, acknowledge the notice and state simply that they have indeed received their copy of the DMCA complaint and that they will abide by the ACUP in the future. If NEMCC does not receive a response to its violation notice within the specified time, NEMCC removes the computer in question from the College network.

Usually, Student Services and the College’s involvement in the matter end at that point. The student is expected to rectify any problems outlined in the complaint and to cease any copyright violations involving the college network.

A second DMCA notice involving the same student results in more serious action. The College suspends the student’s network privileges (including both networking for the student’s computer and access to central computer services) and may impose further disciplinary action pending a meeting with the Vice President of Student Services regarding the nature of the violations.

A summary of the civil and criminal penalties for violation of Federal copyright laws is as follows:

  • Infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits; or
  • The law provides a penalty of $750 to $30,000 for each work infringed unless the court finds that the infringement was willful. In such cases, the maximum penalty is increased to $150,000.
  • The court may award attorneys’ fees and court costs.
  • The court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts.
  • The court can impound the illegal works.
  • The infringer can be sent to jail for up to 10 years

Please consult for the full text of the Copyright Law of the United States of America.

In DMCA cases, copyright holders may file a lawsuit against the violators. If the College receives a valid subpoena seeking the identity of the offender for such a lawsuit, the College will comply with the subpoena.

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Policy

Students are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or being under the influence of a controlled substance, as defined in state or federal law, on the campus of Northeast. Students in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline may include mandatory drug rehabilitation, penalties stated in the Student Code of Conduct, or arrest under state and federal laws. The college reserves the right to perform drug/drug dog searches of college facilities and private vehicles parked on college property.

Northeast Mississippi Community College supports the following:

  • Aid in the prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse through educational efforts.
  • Use of counseling services and rehabilitation programs
  • Appropriate discipline for those who engage in substance abuse and related behaviors.

Northeast Mississippi Community College provides educational programs aimed at preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Educational efforts are directed toward all members of the college community and include information about the incompatibility of the abuse or sale of alcohol and other drugs with the goals of Northeast Mississippi Community College; the hazards associated with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs; the incompatibility of alcohol and other drug abuse with the maximum achievement of educational, career, and other goals; and the potential legal consequences of involvement with alcohol and other drugs.

Those students who seek assistance through the college for an alcohol or drug-related problem shall be provided with information about counseling and rehabilitation services available through college and/or community resources. For those working in good faith and in treatment or rehabilitation agencies, every attempt will be made to return the individual to student status.

Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Illegal Drugs

Students are responsible, as citizens, for knowing about and complying with the provisions of Mississippi law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as “controlled substances” in Section 41-29-113 et seq of the Mississippi Statutes. The following minimum penalties shall be imposed for the particular offenses described:

Drug Trafficking

For the illegal manufacture, sale, or delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I and II of Section 41-29-113 and Section 41-29-115 of the Mississippi Statues, any student shall be expelled. For a first offense involving the illegal manufacture, sale or delivery, or possession with the intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedule III through V of Section 41-29-117, Section 41-29-119, Section 41-29-121 of the Mississippi Statutes the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment. For a second offense, any student shall be expelled.

Illegal Possession

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I or II of Section 41-29-113 Section 41-29-115 of the Mississippi Statutes, the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through V of Section 41-29-117, Section 41-29-119, and Section 41-29-121 of the Mississippi Statutes, the minimum penalty shall be probation for a period to be determined on a case-by-case basis. A person on probation may be required to participate in a drug education and counseling program, consent to regular drug testing, and accept such other conditions and restrictions, as the appropriate college official deems necessary.

Upon refusal or failure to abide by the terms of probation of second or other subsequent offenses involving the illegal possession of controlled substances, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed including expulsion of students.

Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

Northeast Mississippi Community College is located in the northeast corner of Prentiss County. Possession, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, or at off-campus college-sponsored activities is prohibited.

Students shall be subject to state laws outlined as follows:

Drinking Age - Selling, giving, or serving alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 is unlawful. In Mississippi, this law extends to the possession of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21. It is unlawful for any person to misrepresent or misstate his/her age to obtain alcoholic beverages. This includes the manufacture or use of false identification.

In addition to the legal requirements and penalties above, a student found to violate this college policy would be subject to penalties under the Student Code of Conduct.

Any person who does either of these things to obtain alcohol shall be fined a maximum of $200, and on failure to pay such fine and all costs shall be imprisoned for up to 30 days in jail. Section 67-1-91.

D.U.I. (Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs) Section 63-11-30 provides A mandatory suspension of licenses for a period not to exceed one year for the first conviction. Fines of up to $1,000 and/or 14 hours in jail for the first offense. Attend and complete an alcohol safety education program as provided in Section 63-11-32. State and Federal statutes will regulate mandatory participation in rehabilitation and education programs.

Disciplinary Process

Northeast Mississippi Community College will address any incident, which is disruptive to the operation of the college or in violation of state, federal, and local laws. When disciplinary action is necessary, judgment will be determined fairly, reasonably, and with respect to due process. Disciplinary action aims to redirect the student’s behavior toward the achievement of academic goals.

The Vice President of Students oversees the disciplinary process. When a student is charged with violation of conduct regulations, the disposition of the student’s case shall be according to the due process regulations of the institution.

There are three steps to the discipline process at Northeast:

1.  An initial interview is held with the Vice President of Students for misconduct related to the incident.  The Vice President of Students may determine the appropriate disciplinary action or refer serious infractions to the Discipline Committee.  The Discipline Committee consists of faculty and staff representatives.  If requested by the Vice President, the committee will hear evidence and recommend appropriate disciplinary measures to the Vice President of Instruction or Vice President of Students.  The student affected shall be notified in writing by mail or by memorandum of the specific charge(s) made against him/her and of the time and place where the hearing will be held.  This letter will be hand-delivered to the student or mailed to the student three (3) days before the hearing date.  The letter of notification will inform the student that witnesses may appear at the hearing to testify on his/her behalf.  The letter will also inform the student that an adviser may accompany them at their own expense.  At a student’s request, a hearing may be held earlier.

2.  If a student wishes to appeal the disciplinary action of the Vice President, he/she may submit an appeal in writing through the Vice President of Students’ Office within three (3) business days after notice of the action is received.  The appeal will be brought before the Discipline Committee.  The student may have an adviser accompany him at his own expense.

3.  If a student disagrees with the decision of the Discipline Committee, he/she may submit an appeal in writing to the Executive Vice President.  Appeals should be turned in to the Vice President of Students office within three (3) business days after notice of the action is received.  The decision of the Executive Vice President is final.

The following procedures for initiating due process shall apply to all hearings:

  • The student shall be permitted to confront and question witnesses testifying against him/her at the hearing.
  • The record of the hearing will be placed on file in the office of the Vice President of Students.
  • The Vice President of Students will notify the student in writing of the committee’s decision immediately after the decision is reached.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The range of disciplinary sanctions includes; but is not limited to, the following:

Category I These would include any violation of the Student Code of Conduct

  • Warning - Issued for minor infraction of policy. Further violations will result in more serious sanctions.
  • Fine - The student is fined for violation of policy; the amount of fine will vary depending upon the nature and severity of the offense.
  • Restriction - Student is restricted from entering certain facilities or from specified student privileges.
  • Supervised Work - Specified work hours with a campus office or community service.
  • Mandatory Counseling/Educational Sessions - Behavioral counseling or educational sessions as deemed necessary by the Vice President of Student Services or the discipline committee.
  • Disciplinary Probation - The student is no longer considered in good standing in terms of conduct. Further violation of regulations during this probation period may result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. Certain student privileges may be suspended during a probationary period. Example: scholarships, representing the college in activities, seeking elected office, may lose elected office.
  • Residence Hall Dismissal - Required to vacate a residence hall for violations of residence hall policies and/or institutional policies. Students are not allowed to visit any residence hall when assigned this sanction. Residential students appealing the sanctions of expulsion, dismissal, suspension, modified suspension, or residence hall dismissal may be required to temporarily vacate the residence hall while the appeal is pending.
  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Students must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension: Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.

Category II These would include felonies or misdemeanor charges as described by federal and state laws.

  • Modified Suspension - All privileges except to attend classes are suspended for a specified period. The student is allowed to attend classes only. Students must leave campus no later than 3:30 p.m. each day.
  • Suspension - Separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specific period. The student is not allowed on college premises without specific permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Withdrawal - The student is withdrawn from school for the remainder of the semester. No entry is made on official records other than withdrawal. Students may return to school at the end of the specified time.
  • Expulsion - Dismissal from Northeast Mississippi Community College for a specified period, with the denial of rights for the student to participate in any academic or other activity. Student is not allowed on campus.
  • Dismissal - Permanent separation from Northeast Mississippi Community College, with the student not allowed to reapply for admission. The student is not allowed on college premises without permission from the Vice President of Student Services.
  • Interim Suspension - Any student charged with or convicted of a violation of the law, or college regulation involving injuries to the health and welfare of the college community shall be subject to immediate administrative suspension, with or without prejudice, depending upon the nature and circumstances of the case, by the President of the College or his delegates. A hearing regarding the student’s conduct will be held as soon as practical under Northeast policies.

    The conviction of a student for a criminal offense that interferes with the orderly education and operation of the college or of a nature that, if the student were allowed to remain enrolled, would endanger the health, safety, or property of the college community shall be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action consistent with the college’s policies and procedures.